The Movie Star's History

 The flight from Wolong to Huaixiang took three and a half hours.

Jiang Che fell asleep not long after boarding the plane and did not show any signs of waking up even after getting off the plane.

Feng Lanchu had no choice but to carry him. She used to carry hiking bags in the past, and now, she had to carry her son. She was destined never to be one of those weak girls in this life.

Feng Lanchu was an attractive woman. She looked soft and sweet on the outside and seemed to be innocent and obedient. When she scooped up Jiang Che and started walking quickly and effortlessly, those around her could not help but give her a second glance. She was one strong barbie.

Feng Lanchu managed to get her luggage with the help of passersby around her. Her phone had been ringing for a while, so she answered the call on her Bluetooth earphones as she walked. 

A sound reminiscent of firecrackers could be heard from her earphones.

"Yo, Madam. What were you up to? You didn't pick you your phone."

"I'm coming out right now."

"Ok, are you doing alright? How is my darling godson?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Lanchu looked rather puzzled. "He's doing very good and is sleeping like a pig. On the other hand, I have to carry him, push our luggage, and still have to talk to you. I am not doing well at all."

Zhu Mingming knew that Feng Lanchu had not been going on the internet when she heard that. She rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, alright. I will wait for you at the usual spot. Let's talk when we get in the car."

After hanging up, Feng Lanchu walked out of the airport carrying her child with her left hand and her luggage with her right.

Three years had passed, but Zhu Mingming's bright red Hummer still looked as good as new. When Zhu Mingming looked into the rearview mirror and saw the familiar-looking woman approaching, she got out of the car and took the luggage from Feng Lanchu.

"Welcome home, Superwoman who brought her child out on a business trip."

"Many thanks to the woman who stands behind superwoman."

Feng Lanchu left her luggage to Zhu Mingming and got into the backseat with the child.

By the time Zhu Mingming had placed the luggage in the boot and gotten into the car, Feng Lanchu had finished setting down Jiang Che. He was lying in the backseat, sleeping soundly.

"Come on, tell me what happened."

"As the wife of a movie star, can you be better at your job? At least go on the internet, yeah."

"Who is it this time?" Feng Lanchu frowned with a disdainful expression.

"Who else could it be?" Zhu Mingming rolled her eyes as she started the car. She had become almost like a paparazzi because of Feng Lanchu.

"It's the movie star's ex." 

Feng Lanchu frowned subconsciously when she heard that. That was when she slowly fished out her phone and started scrolling through Weibo.

She saw the headlines proclaiming "Fu Qi and Movie Star Jiang Anzhi Reconcile Over Movie," There were 200 million different conversations about the topic.

The most frequently reposted video was a five-second video in which Fu Qi held Jiang Anzhi's arm and smiled while drinking wine. Jiang Anzhi watched her, his head tilted at a slight angle.

She smiled sweetly while he looked at her with loving eyes. Even though there was no sound, one could still feel the love between the two.

The video was said to have been filmed at the wrap-up party for the movie "To Your Heart."

After the video was posted online, it had led to the rumors that had lasted for six months to reach a new peak. The media and fans were all going nuts.

To understand what exactly happened, one had to start from the movie casting.

"To Your Heart" was the first collaboration between Jiang Anzhi and Fu Qi since their debut. The collaboration between a movie star and an A-list actress was not something new.

But! These two people had dated once, so things were no longer the same.

Jiang Anzhi had debuted in an idol group when he was 15. He later entered the film academy when he turned 18. When he was 20, he received the best newcomer award for an art film. He had received many commendations for the role he had played. However, not long after, news broke out that he had accompanied new starlet Fu Qi to get an abortion. Back then, Jiang Anzhi had been at the peak of his career, and Fu Qi had just entered the entertainment industry. The news had been sensational, and the two had broken up not long after.

Some people guessed that their companies forced them to break up, and others guessed that Jiang Anzhi had gotten rid of his childhood sweetheart to protect himself. A small number of people guessed that Fu Qi was using Jiang Anzhi to gain popularity. After all, people had gotten to know her through that incident.

No matter what had really happened back then, the two of them had split up and pursued their own careers. They did not even appear in the same photos, much less collaborate on a project.

That was why when "To Your Heart" had announced that the main leads of the movie would be Jiang Anzhi and Fu Qi six months ago, it had caused a sensation amongst the fans.