A Short Conversation

Jiang Anzhi returned to his room after he was done washing up. Feng Lanchu had already gotten in bed, so he lightened his steps.

It had been 15 years since Jiang Anzhi's debut in the entertainment industry. The work was highly intensive and had messed up his sleep schedule, resulting in him having a sleeping disorder. In the two years before he had gotten married, he could not sleep unless he was medicated. Of course, only his parents and manager knew about this. They had been worried that his condition would worsen into depression.

Fortunately, his condition had improved over the last two years. Everyone had thought that it was because the medication he took was effective. They did not know that it was because of the person who slept beside him.

Whenever he lay down beside Feng Lanchu, he could smell the faint fragrance of plants. The scent relaxed him. At first, he had thought that it was the scent that soothed him. He had tried to purchase similar scents and perfumes, but they did not achieve the desired effect.

Jiang Anzhi could not say for sure why that was so. He could only say that it was because their magnetic fields were a good match.

Anzhi switched off the light and reached out to find that soft wrist out of habit. Before he could touch the wrist, the person next to him suddenly turned around to face him. He touched something soft and quickly withdrew his hand as if he had received an electric shock. His heart started thumping wildly beyond his control.

"Anzhi, let's talk." Feng Lanchu's voice was soft and sweet in the dark.

"Okay." Jiang Anzhi sounded a little shocked.

"Is that Fu Qi... your ex-girlfriend?"

Jiang Anzhi looked up slightly. One could not see his eyes clearly in the night. After a long while, he shook his head, and his voice turned cold.


Feng Lanchu heard an answer that she had not expected, and her heartfelt rather uncomfortable for some reason.

"Then you two..."

"It's just business." Before Feng Lanchu could finish her question, Jiang Anzhi interrupted her. "I thought that I have already told you in the past that you shouldn't care about the news on the internet. You will only become more troubled after reading them. Don't believe in anything else unless the news comes from me personally."

"I know. I want to say that if one day, you and Fu Qi reconcile, or if you find your true love..."

"What would you want to do then?" Jiang Anzhi's voice was a little soft. "Get a divorce?"

"Er..." Feng Lanchu nodded guiltily. Her voice was not as bright as before. She felt a little self-conscious in front of Jiang Anzhi, whose expression she could not see in the dark.

"After all, I do very much want to see you have your happiness." 

"What about Jiang Che? Would you be able to bear seeing him being brought up by a stepmother?"

"Angling will come with me, of course." Feng Lanchu mumbled.

Jiang Anzhi was rendered speechless. "You don't want Jiang Che to have a stepmother, but you want him to have a stepfather?"

Feng Lanchu was a little stunned. She had never had such a thought.

"Dream on."

Jiang Anzhi spat and turned around before Feng Lanchu could answer. It was obvious he did not want to talk anymore.

Feng Lanchu stared at the back of Jiang Anzhi's head speechlessly.

This man was wonderful talking about his ex-girlfriend and getting a divorce. But he immediately got angry when they talked about the custody of their son.

She wanted to kick him but she couldn't! She was supposed to be a good and virtuous wife. Argh.

"We shan't talk about this again if you don't like talking about this. I want to say that even though we are married, we are not like other couples who have built a family after falling in love. That is why if you find your true love one day, I can completely understand that. I hope that you will inform me so that we can part on good terms."

Jiang Anzhi asked in a tight voice after a long while. "What about you then?"

"If I find true love, I trust that you will wish me well."

Jiang Anzhi did not say anything after a long while, and Feng Lanchu raised her brows uncertainly.

"So are we in agreement?"


Having received Jiang Anzhi's agreement, Feng Lanchu heaved a sigh of relief. There were so many young and pretty girls in the entertainment industry, one of them would definitely be Jiang Anzhi's cup of tea. With their conversation tonight, they would be able to part on good terms if they were to get a divorce in the future.

After dealing with what was on her mind, Feng Lanchu, who had never had problems sleeping, drifted off to sleep.

Compared to Feng Lanchu, who slept well, Jiang Anzhi was not as comfortable. He had a sleeping disorder, and coupled with the conversation with Feng Lanchu before bedtime, Jiang Anzhi was unable to sleep even as the night progressed.

He turned around frustratedly and saw Feng Lanchu sleeping soundly. Her sharp features glimmered under the moonlight. Even though he saw plenty of good-looking girls day in and day out, he thought she was beautiful.

He sighed softly and held Feng Lanchu's wrist. Her wrist was soft, warm, and bore a fragrant scent of herbs. He was only able to relax then.

She was so silly. Since they were now man and wife, why was she still talking about splitting up? He had never thought of getting a divorce since the moment he married her.

He did not believe in true love, neither did he need it.

As for Feng Lanchu, if she found her true love one day, well, he was sorry. He would separate them seriously.