Fate Catching Them Off Guard

PD Wang accompanied Feng Lanchu to their first stop, Golmud. Golmud was Mongolian for 'the place with many rivers.'

They had booked the best hotel in Golmud, and everyone working on the show would be staying there.

Golmud was connected to the entrance of Kunlun Mountain, bordering Qinghai Lake, Hoh Xil, and some other places. Basically, anyone who wanted to go to Hoh Xil would choose to stay in Golmud and rest before entering Hoh Xil through Kunlun Mountain.

Feng Lanchu had visited Hoh Xil twice. The first time, she was inexperienced and had experienced altitude sickness not long after she arrived. She had thrown up a lot and was miserable. She returned to Golmud with her tail between her legs the next day.

The second time she visited, she was prepared. She rested for several days at Golmud and had learned her lesson from her previous trip. She took things easy and did everything slowly. She managed to head down the Qinghai-Tibet railway and successfully visited the four nature reserves in Hoh Xil.

The experience had enriched her wilderness skills and had been great preparation for her three years in Africa.

That was why she had special feelings for Hoh Xil.

Feng Lanchu's arrival shocked the crew.

When the producer saw her, he smiled so happily that his lips were almost stretched up to his ears. "Oh my goodness. How lucky we must be to have invited such good-looking specialists. They look like they can debut right here and now."

Feng Lanchu did not understand what the man was saying until she saw the other wilderness survival specialist. That was when she understood what the producer had meant.

The other specialist accompanying the crew was a renowned local wilderness survival expert, Zhuang Nan. He was from the special ops and devoted himself to the wilderness survival industry after being discharged from the military. He eventually became a specialist and had been invited to participate in several shows. He could be considered an almost-artiste.

Zhuang Nan was 1.9 meters tall. His shoulders were broad, and his legs were long. Even though he was wearing a thick jacket, it could not hide his good physique. His skin was a healthy copper color, and he reeked of testosterone. When he did not smile, he looked like a model on a magazine cover. When he smiled, his eyes curved, and his lips pulled back to reveal his snow-white teeth, making him look extremely friendly. He rather much resembled a popular celebrity.

He could attract plenty of female fans in the entertainment industry with such looks, much less with various skills.

When selecting the accompanying specialist, the director had not hesitated before picking Zhuang Nan. He thought of pairing up the specialists, which was why he had tried to ask around to see if there were any female wildlife animal researchers.

The moment he saw Feng Lanchu, the director was even more certain of the roles he would give the two. He would hold an emergency meeting tonight to get the videographers who would be filming the two specialists to capture moments of them interacting. He grew excited when he thought of the "Smart Couple" that the two of them would play.

Zhuang Nan had not imagined that the wildlife researcher would be such a beautiful young woman. He could not help but smile, revealing his white teeth as he stretched out his hand to her.

"Hello, I am Zhuang Nan."

"Hi, I am Feng Lanchu."

Feng Lanchu stretched out her hand and held his politely.

Zhuang Nan held her hand for two seconds before letting go of her hand like a gentleman. He had a good impression of Feng Lanchu because of her graciousness.

He got along quite well with the director, which was why he knew quite a bit about Feng Lanchu. She had gotten her doctorate at a young age and had once worked in the National Wildlife Research Institute. She had even led a team to Africa. She was currently an assistant professor at Huaixiang University, researching wildlife animals in the school of biology. Just a single bit of information about her was enough to stun others. He thought she would be a large and tough woman or an old researcher who did not have any social skills. He did not expect that the other specialist would be such a beautiful and gracious woman. It had completely changed his perception of what a beautiful woman should look like.

"Please take care of me for the coming months, Ms. Feng."

"No, no, please take care of me, Mr. Zhuang."

"Haha, please, Ms. Feng and Mr. Zhuang, there's no need to be so humble. Please take care of our crew."

The director watched as the two made small talk before joining in, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"The stars will arrive tomorrow. They will receive a task when they get off the plane, which is to find the accompanying specialists. You two will be split up and sent to two different locations. There, you can do whatever you like to get the stars to find you."