Found You Easily

The first thing that Qin Zhuo did was the same thing that Wan Shishi had done. He looked at the girls with his laser-sharp eyes.

The Tibetan girls just looked at the two shyly and did not say anything.

"Sis Shishi, the person we are looking for probably isn't here." Qin Zhuo scratched his head. "After all, the people we are looking for are a wildlife research specialist and a wilderness survival specialist."

There were only girls in the room, so it was unlikely that the people they were looking for were in the room.

"There are so many people here. The crew must have planned it."

Wan Shishi was a new celebrity who had risen to fame rather dramatically this year. She had won over a lot of fans because of her tough and straightforward demeanor. Her fans gave her the nickname Bro Shi and her fan club members dubbed themselves as her junior sisters and brothers.

Wan Shishi had been on several variety shows and knew the tricks of the production team very well. She felt that there was something fishy when she saw so many girls seated together.

Upon seeing that Wan Shishi was not giving up, Qin Zhuo had no choice but to go along with her.

"Which one of you is the special guest invited by the production crew?"

Everyone laughed shyly and lowered their heads when they heard such a straightforward question.

Wan Shishi rolled her eyes wordlessly. "Who would answer your question when you ask it like this?" Then, Wan Shishi walked up to the girls and pulled a few girls who were darker and more sturdily built from the group.

"I think that one of them must be the wilderness survival expert."

"What's your name?"

"I am Sang Zhu."

"What do you usually do?"

"I mostly help my family to make clothes. My family owns a traditional Tibetan costume shop."

"Oh..." Wan Shishi turned to look at the other girl in disappointment. "What about you?"

"My name is Yang Jin. I usually herd sheep."

"Will you get lost when you herd sheep? Do you need to survive out there in the wild?"

"No, there are borders to our pastures, and we will herd the sheep back to their pen in the evening."

The celebrities did not receive any satisfactory answers even after they questioned several people. Qin Zhuo looked around anxiously, and his eyes finally settled on a pale and beautiful woman with flushed cheeks from the high altitude in the crowd of girls.

He snuck up to Wan Shishi and muttered, "Sis Shishi, do you think it's that girl?"

Wan Shishi looked in the direction where Qin Zhuo was looking. She immediately shook her head. "She must be an extra that the production team found. Look at her skin. She doesn't look like someone who would do anything in the wild."

Qin Zhuo nodded in agreement. "I wonder how Bro Anzhi and the others are doing."

Just as they were speaking, they heard a flurry of footsteps approaching. The curtains were lifted once more, and three tall figures entered the yurt, filling up the large tent to the brim.

The three people were all beautiful. The person standing at the front was an actor called Li Yue. If Jiang Anzhi was the overlord of the movie screens, then Li Yue was the overlord of television dramas. In the dramas he starred in, he played a domineering boss, a useless man who turned his life around. They were all very popular, and he was one of the most popular 'nation hubby' of the country.

"How are you guys doing?" Li Yue asked.

"We haven't found the specialist yet. What about you guys?"

Li Yue pointed at a tall and sturdily built man behind him. "Zhuang Nan. He is a renowned wilderness survival specialist."

"Hello." Zhuang Nan smiled, revealing his teeth.

Qin Zhuo's eyes widened. The director had told them to find two specialists when they had gathered earlier. One of the specialists was a wildlife researcher, while the other was a wilderness survival specialist. If they had found the wilderness survival specialist, then that meant that...

"The wildlife research specialist is here?"

Among this group of beautiful girls?

Just as he was thinking, a tall man standing behind the group walked past everyone and headed straight to the beautiful girl Wan Shishi, and Qin Zhuo had not considered earlier.

The celebrities all looked on in confusion as the movie star walked up to the group of girls and then pulled the beautiful girl from the group.

The director who was standing at the back applauded.

"Congratulations, Anzhi, you have found our hidden guest, Miss Feng Lanchu."