The Entrance of Kunlun Mountain

The entrance of Kunlun Mountain was 4,700 meters above sea level. Their arrival at the entrance meant that they had reached Hoh Xil Nature Reserve.

There was a statue of a family of three Tibetan antelopes at the entrance of Kunlun Mountain. The ram had sharp and mighty horns while the ewe had gentle eyes. The lamb was tiny and adorable.

Everyone was fascinated by the statue, and they could not wait to record the second episode so that they could go deep into Hoh Xil to see the Tibetan antelopes.

There were two stone monuments beside the statue of the family of Tibetan antelopes. Several people went up to the monuments to take a look at them. One was to commemorate the five climbers who had an accident while scaling Yuzhu Peak, and the other was a monument for the martyr Sonan Dage.

They had heard on the news and watched movies on the climbing team. However, they did not know about the other monument.

"Sonam Dajie was a hero of Hoh Xil. He was shot by poachers when protecting Tibetan antelopes. That's why people put his monument here. We will forever cherish the memory of this hero who guarded the lives of the animals of Kunlun."

The monument was inlaid with a black-and-white photo of Sonam Dajie. He had wavy hair, a mottled beard, and slightly melancholic eyes that calmly stared out at the land. Words were running down both sides of the portrait that read, "He lives on here, and his good works are known to all of Kunlun." The countless dhvaja hanging in front of the monument reflected how much the people of Hoh Xil missed him.

The group felt a sense of respect and admiration that they could not explain.

"Are there still poachers now?" Qin Zhuo asked. His eyes were a little damp.

Feng Lanchu nodded. "As long as people buy and sell, there will be killing."

"However, the police patrolling the area and the people in the nature reserve have been trying very hard to reduce such incidents."

Everyone exclaimed, "Why are they killing Tibetan antelopes?"

"Have you heard of shahtoosh? A 2 by 1-meter long piece of shahtoosh weighs only 100 grams. If you squeeze the material, it can pass through a ring. A piece of shahtoosh like this can sell for 50,000 USD. And behind that piece of shahtoosh are the lives of five Tibetan antelopes."

"It is not just the Tibetan antelopes. Actually, the heads of wild yaks, bear bile and paws, and leopard skins are all items that poachers love."

"These are accessories of the devil." Everyone exclaimed angrily.

Wan Shishi wiped away her tears and said, "I think that humans don't have the right to kill other animals just for their own selfish desires."

"That's right. They are only interested in their immediate interests and are blinded by wealth." Li Yue and Qin Zhuo were both enraged.

"Fortunately, there are more good people in this world than there are bad people." Zhuang Nan patted their shoulders. "I believe that even more young people will become more aware of this through this show. They will step up and speak up for these innocent animals."

The director felt heartened as he watched the celebrities speak from their heart.

Didn't he produce this show just for this?

Everyone looked at the wide expanse of snow-capped mountains and blue skies before them. They stood under the monument and listened to the soft flapping of the prayer flags. They all felt calm and peaceful.

The director stood up and said, "Thank you, protectors. Our first stop officially ends here. I am sure that you all have many thoughts about our journey over the past two days. Why don't you share your thoughts before the camera? Let's start from Qin Zhuo."

Qin Zhuo breathed in deeply, suppressing the melancholy he felt.

"I think that I came on this trip to further my knowledge. I am grateful to Miss Feng, who taught me a lot, and I am also grateful to nature for letting me experience the charms of the highlands of Tibet. I hope that my fans will be able to love and protect this earth as well as animals. It all starts with you."

Wan Shishi clenched her hands tightly into fists and said with a steady gaze. "I am also very thankful that this show had invited me as their first guest. To me, this is an unforgettable trip. I will do my best to encourage those around me to put an end to buying illegal wildlife products. Thank you all once again."

"On behalf of everyone who loves this land, I would like to thank every volunteer and police officer who guarded Hoh Xil. It was you who made this land pure and clean again. It is you who made it a paradise on earth. Thank you." Li Yue said from his heart and bowed deeply.

Jiang Anzhi glanced at the plateau in the distance and said, "Thank you very much for this journey which allowed me to re-understand the world and gave me a different understanding of the meaning of life."

The heartfelt speeches of the celebrities made the director and staff applaud enthusiastically.

In the end, the director said, a little choked up, "Thank you for your speeches. May Hoh Xil always be bright and beautiful." Then, he continued, changing the topic, "We will officially enter Hoh Xil as our next stop. There, we will stay in a tent, eat Tibetan food, and look for Tibetan antelopes. See you next time!"