Breaking The Rules

The students couldn't concentrate on answering the test, and they were now getting annoyed.

They would repeat a grade level if they failed the exam.

It's humiliating to repeat a grade level at Jixia Academy. They would not only embarrass themselves, but also their families.

However, they did not expect that Tan Mo would actually give way. She offered to not take the exam in order to silence Qin Muxiao.

Tan Mo was so kind and considerate.

Also, during this semester, Qin Muxiao had been causing trouble, while Tan Mo had behaved properly and was very low-key.

Even if Qin Muxiao tried to stir up trouble, Tan Mo didn't stoop down to her level.

Meanwhile, the sun shone brightly outside, and its rays hit Tan Mo. She seemed as if she was glowing. 

Just by looking at her, people felt warm in their hearts.

 Li Xingyun raised her hand timidly and said, "Teacher, let Tan Mo take the exam."