She Is Nothing

"Tan Mo and Qin Muye rushed to the store to buy stationery," Xu Huaiyan joined, eager to say something. "While they were away, Qin Muxiao warned us not to tell Tan Mo that she was the one who ruined her stationery."

Wei Zhiqian nodded.

"On Friday, the test paper will be returned and the results will be announced." Wei Zhiqian finally removed his hands from Tan Mo's head.

He then playfully pulled a small braid on her head.

Tan Mo hurriedly checked her braids. 

"We will pass by your classroom on Friday," Wei Zhiqian said.

They could look for Wei Zhiqian and Qin Mufeng through the window. 

"Wait for my signal. When you see it, that's your cue to expose Qin Muxiao to the teacher." Wei Zhiqian's gaze swept across their faces as he said, "Can you do it?"

How could these five children withstand Wei Zhiqian's gaze?