The Wonders of the Chinese Language

"School hasn't started yet. Tan Mo still has two weeks of military training, so don't you two still have two weeks to convince..." President Mu made a faux pas and almost told the truth. "No, you two still have two weeks to convince her to renounce the dark side."

Teacher Hong: "..."

She could still hear them.

Since when had the finance department become the dark side?

"Why rush over on the first day? Won't you guys alarm her? If you guys let Tan Mo know your intentions, what if she hides from you guys in the future? You should take your time, use personal charm to persuade her and professional charm to convince her. Let her experience the greatness of history and the charm of our Chinese language."

Professor Tang: "..."

Professor Gu: "..."

They had been too rash.

They had been impulsive.

"The two of you have been doing research for too long, so you two aren't very..." President Mu was looking for suitable words.