Little Snow Fairy Holds Her Grudges

Could it be that Tan Mo really had some feelings for Ming Yeqing?

Wei Zhiqian was staring at Ming Yeqing.

It was still too early to tell.

Good thing that Tan Mo was still so young. Romance would have to wait until she turned into an adult.

She'll have to wait until her mind matures a bit more.

At least three years...

These three years would the perfect time to test out Ming Yeqing.

No matter who Tan Mo chooses, he would have to watch them closely and see if they pass the standard.

Wei Keli had been enough already. He didn't want to have to deal with another person whom he would have to influence Tan Mo away from.

From where he was standing, Ming Yeqing noticed Wei Zhiqian's stare.

The stare was so intense that it sent a shiver down his spine, though he had no idea what he was even staring at with that frown of his.