Nothing Wrong with the Way They Thought

"No one will need to work hard. If they want to attend our class, they will be able to simply sit in," someone else added.

"Indeed, Senior Wu, making arrangements to add one more person might not seem like a big deal to you. What's the difference between lecturing to a class of 20 and a class of 21? An additional person won't change much. But have you ever considered the possibility that other students might hear about this? Somebody who had not earned a spot could still attend a lecture by sitting in. If other students follow her example, then what will our hard work amount to? Everyone will just sit in. We'd have to have a bigger classroom and organize the lecture on a larger scale."

"That's right!" Everyone enthusiastically chimed in.

Wu Xiaoye frowned. He sighed and turned to speak to Tan Mo apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't take care of this well. I didn't expect everyone to be so strongly opposed to having someone sit in."