Learn from the Seniors

Tan Mo was relying on her very long past lifetime, as well as her experience under the tutelage of her Master.

Regardless of how proficient one is at history, nothing can beat personally having experienced past events.

As ancient languages evolved, Tan Mo had journeyed throughout the changing times and personally witnessed all of it.

However, as a little snow fairy, she was unable to move around everywhere. Thus, even though she knew a bit about what had gone on, she didn't understand everything.

She had heard about a lot of it from her Master. But there were other events and happenings that her Master had never mentioned.

At this time, Tan Mo was producing outstanding results. She knew that this was largely because of her photographic memory.

However, there were still holes in her knowledge when it came to literature she had never read, as well as parts of history she had not personally experienced.