The H*ll with That

Wei Zhiqian had his left hand in his trousers pocket and his suit was perfectly draped where his wrist and the trousers met.

Huang Mingshun had wanted to pull on Tan Mo's hand, but he stopped abruptly and did not dare to make another move.

Even though Wei Zhiqian was standing in front of the stage with a fence separating them, Huang Mingshun could still feel the immense pressure coming from the man and quickly pulled his hand back.

"Uncle!" Tan Mo turned around without hesitation and ran to the edge of the stage where the fence was.

However, the fence was too tall for her to glance over it.

She stepped onto the lower bar of the fence so that she could see over it. Only then could she see Wei Zhiqian.

Since the man was standing below the stage, Tan Mo had to tilt her head down.

"Sorry for being late," Wei Zhiqian said in his deep voice.