What the H*ll

The dark-red color of the sour plum juice hid the beer in Tan Mo's glass.

The liquid inside her glass was still dark in color.

When she took a sniff, she realized the sweetness of the juice had covered the malty scent of the beer.

She had always wanted to try and see what beer tasted like, but Wang Yuemu and the rest of the team had never allowed her to try it.

That was why she had to resort to another method.

Tan Mo took a sip of her drink and realized that there was an additional bitterness to the sweet and sour juice.

Naturally, the bitterness came from the beer that she'd just added.

Tan Mo licked her lips as she tried to experience the flavor of the beer.

However, she couldn't really tell what was so special about it and took another sip.

She continued taking sip after sip until her glass of sour plum juice and beer was empty.

She began to feel tipsy although she had only consumed half a glass of beer.