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"We are really unsure about whether the iPad will still work." Shen Jingyi looked worried. "Tan Mo said that she had saved the script on this device."

"Why didn't Tan Mo take her iPad with her when she went to the bathroom to clean up? She just left it here...? I'm sure there are plenty of other important documents..."

Shen Jingyi shook her head and looked at Director Liu. "We didn't dare touch the iPad either. We're in an awkward position right now, so we were worried that we might fall under suspicion if something happened to the device. That's the only reason why I left it there."

Professor Zhao eyed Shen Jingyi without saying anything.

"Director Liu, Professor Zhao..." Tan Mo saw them as she returned to the table.

"How's your hand?" Professor Zhao looked down at a patch of red on her wrist.