Wei Zhiqian Finds Out

At around 9:00 pm that night, Tan Mo finally completed two more episodes.

She had originally intended to finish just one-and-a-half episodes. However, after some contemplation, she gritted her teeth and powered on to finish the third episode.

After she'd finished writing, Tan Mo skimmed through it once more to check for any errors.

"Uncle, what do you think of these two episodes?" Wei Zhiqian had read the script while Tan Mo wrote.

The moment Tan Mo finished writing, Wei Zhiqian had also finished reading through her work.

"If I were the audience, I would definitely want to continue watching this show." Wei Zhiqian watched as Tan Mo saved the file. Then she sent it to Director Liu via email.

"You aren't saying that just to flatter me, right?" Tan Mo grinned happily at Wei Zhiqian.

Wei Zhiqian tapped the tip of her nose.

Judging from Tan Mo's expression, he could tell that she believed him. She didn't have any doubts.