Pretty Boy Should Keep His Mouth Shut

"Dad, I'm still growing. I could be this much taller by tomorrow." Tan Mo raised her hand up a distance above her head.

"I'll only be able to wear this dress once. When I grow taller, it won't fit me anymore. If we buy both, the other dress will be too small before I ever get to wear it," she said.

Wei Zhiqian, who was listening to the conversation, laughed when he heard what Tan Mo had said.

Tan Mo heard him.

She turned her head and glared at him.

"Uncle, you laughed at me!" She didn't want him to think that she hadn't heard it.

Wei Zhiqian raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't think you need to worry at the speed you're growing.

"Girls grow the fastest between 12 and 15. The speed of growth slows after this period. During this rapid development period, you only grew a little bit." Wei Zhiqian lowered his head to a very low height and shook his head at Tan Mo, as if he were looking down at her short stature.