A Victory Smile

"That room would be too small for Mo Mo to change comfortably. Plus, they put outsiders in the room too. We don't know what kind of stupid things they will do," Wei Zhiqian said, thinking through every scenario that could happen.

"You're right," Tan Wenci nodded in agreement and took his card out to pay.

Unfortunately for him, Wei Zhiqian had come prepared and had already given his card to the receptionist.

"I'm the one who suggested we change rooms. Let me pay this time," Wei Zhiqian said with a victorious smile.

The Tan family members all glared at Wei Zhiqian, unable to believe the guts he had.

The father then turned to gawk at his three sons and silently scolded them.

Why didn't you guys think of this?

The siblings looked at their father innocently, as if they were saying they did think of it, but Wei Zhiqian had been one step faster than them.

"How many days would you like to stay?" the receptionist asked.