Shocking the Audience

Tan Mo was, without a doubt, from a rich family.

Director Liu took the microphone from the host and said, "To be honest, a lot of troubles occurred as we filmed this drama. I'm sure that people still remember the scandal about our scriptwriter and consultant, right? It caused our first sponsor to withdraw, and the drama almost got canceled. I can confirm now that the scandal was, in fact, true. But it was only a part of the truth. That is why I want to take this chance and give everyone a good explanation to prevent other people from using this as a method to target my team or the drama. The scandal wasn't the first problem we really had to endure, but the second. Not many people know this, but I'm sure there are a few of you who know that our original scriptwriter was not Tan Mo. I'm not going to name names here, so we'll just call the person the original scriptwriter."