What's Wrong with You?

"Keqing, what do you think? Do you think Mo Mo will win?" Xu Mingjing asked with her eyes still glued to the screen.

A few seconds passed, and the mother still had not gotten her answer. She finally turned her head away from the TV, only to see her daughter staring at the screen and biting her lips.

The screen showed every scriptwriter who had been nominated for the award, and the last one to appear was Tan Mo.

Xu Mingjing said, "'Legend of Wei and Jin' definitely was a good story, or else it would never have warranted such success."

She had been one of the people who had waited impatiently for the drama to update every week while it was airing.

"If the script is the sole reason for the success of a drama, then why do they still need a director?" Yuan Keqing scoffed. "Scripts are nothing more than words on pieces of white paper, conversations without any emotions. A script is meaningless without a good director and amazing actors to bring it alive.