Adults Are Speaking

Ever since Yuan Zhengwen had been kicked out of TanYue for stealing a huge sum of money, Xu Mingzhen had never treated him as family anymore.

It was as if she had never been acquainted with him.

"When did you guys get here?" Xu Mingzhen asked. "Why didn't you call me first? We are still having dinner. Have you guys eaten yet?"

Xu Mingzhen's questions might seem normal at first glance, but one could also hear how she was calling the Yuan family weirdos for the sudden visit.

The four Tan siblings recognized the insult in their mother's words, and Tan Jinyi laughed. "Who knew Mom could hide insults in such plain words?"

Visiting someone without letting them know in advance or asking if they were free or not was considered rude in any society, even if they were your own family.

It was especially true when the relationship between the two families was terrible and the time of their visit was during dinnertime.