The Changing Room

It would be her birthday next month.

If Qin Mufeng hadn't planned it yet, they wouldn't be able to make it on time.

Qin Muye had some understanding of this brand.

In order to have their designer custom-make something, the customer needed to have a great reputation so that they could add value to the brand and not hurt the brand's high-end image that had been built up over many years.

Just thinking about the time needed to make a dress like this, Wei Zhiqian must definitely have contacted them a long time ago..

Certainly not in the past two or three months...

He must have done it at least six months ago.

Qin Muye was envious.

She didn't know if Qin Mufeng would put in that much effort for her.

"Other than the dress, Mr. Wei also ordered a pair of shoes." The store clerk brought out a pair of shoes.

Also ordered by Wei Zhiqian...