Why Is She Here

With Qin Mufeng around, Qin Muye would be in safe hands.

He was her older brother after all, and the next head of the Qin family. Even though he was still only an heir, he already held most of the power in the family.

If Qin Muxiao really had some ulterior motives for inviting Qin Muye to her villa, Qin Mufeng being present was more than enough to stop her from doing something rash.

If QIn Muxiao refused to let Qin Mufeng go with them, then it would only mean that she really had planned something.

Qin Muye immediately understood Tan Mo's intentions and nodded, "That's right. My brother has to come with us."

"Sure thing." Surprisingly, Qin Muxiao agreed to it.

Even Tan Mo was shocked by that. Is she really here to call a truce?