Natural Liars

If Yuan Keqing had really been planning to tempt Wei Zhiqian while seducing Wei Keli at the same time, that would have been ridiculous.

If she had succeeded, it would have been a huge win for her.

And even if she were to fail, she wouldn't lose too much as her main target was still Wei Keli.

Tan Mo couldn't help but laugh wryly at Yuan Keqing for her delusions and her huge appetite for men, hoping that one day she would suffer the consequences of being a player.

While Tan Mo tried to block Wei Zhiqian's sight, she would turn to look at the screen from time to time to check which part Yuan Keqing had gotten to.

And whenever she turned, it would be impossible for her not to rub her body against Wei Zhiqian's.

After the lady had turned two or three times, Wei Zhiqian finally could not hold it in and took a deep breath. His breathing was starting to get uneven.