Wei Zhiqian Is Flattered

"Then why would I have your room cardkey?" Wei Keli was confused.

"This…I don't know..." Yuan Keqing said. "Why do you have my room cardkey, and why are you asking me that?"

"The room cardkey I originally took should have been Tan Mo's," Wei Keli admitted his culpability.

Anyway, Wei Zhiqian knew everything already, so he had no reason to hide the truth anymore.

As for his parents, they would not even blame him.

If they blamed him at all, it would only be because his plan had not been meticulous enough and had been found out by Wei Zhiqian.

"Then…how could this room cardkey have become mine?" Yuan Keqing put on a wronged expression. "I had no issues with my room and simply wanted to use the hot spring. Who knew that brother Keli would suddenly enter my room? I don't have any idea what happened...