
"He is already 23 years old." Wei Zhijian had once had expectations about Wei Keli, but not any longer. Wei Keli had long since passed his best years.

No one in the Eight Great Clans had had their Patriarch abilities awoken at this late age.

Wei Zhiqian was from the Zhi generation, and he had awakened the Patriarch ability.

Wei Keli was from the Ke generation. It was a generation younger than Wei Zhiqian.

There were only Wei Keli and Wei Keren in the Ke generation at that moment.

Wei Keren was three years older than Wei Keli.

He was the son of Wei Zhigong.

Wei Zhigong was the son of the eldest son of the patriarch and matriarch, Wei Mingzhong. And that made him the cousin of Wei Zhijian.

The point was that there wasn't any member of the Ke generation other than those two.