Ms. Wen

"I'm guessing that Brother Zhiqian has his own thoughts about this. He's probably trying to gauge the other party's personality. He wants to know if she is superficial or has the princess syndrome."

After all, Tan Mo did not mind such things.

Tan Mo could go to a place as high-class as a three-star Michelin restaurant that required a six-month waiting period...

Tan Mo could also go to a roadside stall that sold grilled food and was filled with smoke...

It did not matter as long as the food was good.

Although she had always been doted upon by many people, Tan Mo had never let herself develop the princess syndrome.

Of course, that wasn't true just of Tan Mo. Qin Muye was the same.

Ming Yeqing thought, not just Wei Zhiqian, but Qin Mufeng probably wouldn't like girls who were squeamish.

He doted on his sister and she was not squeamish. How could he want to be around other girls who were more squeamish than his own sister?