Not Giving Her Any Chance

"Lin Fuxi. Why? What's wrong?" Tan Mo asked in a low voice.

"Nothing... It's just a little weird," Qin Muye whispered. "When she walked past us, she kept looking our way. It was like she has a weird expression on her face."

Tan Mo couldn't help but turn to glance at her best friend.

Knowing how unaware Qin Muye could be when it came to such a matter, Tan Mo knew that there was no point in explaining to her.

She let out a sigh and turned to Ming Yeqing. "Qing, who would've thought that something like this would happen? It looks like there are quite some beautiful ladies interested in you, huh?"

The moment Tan Mo said that Qin Muye immediately turned to look at Ming Yeqing.

Qin Muye spent most of her time with Ming Yeqing, which in turn meant that Ming Yeqing also spent most of his spare time around Qin Muye.

Even though they were that close, Qin Muye had no idea that there were ladies out there who were interested in Ming Yeqing.