Tan Mo Is More Reliable Than You

Even though Professor Yue was lacking in terms of cunningness when compared to Professor Gu and Professor Tang, he was firm and resolute.

He was a man who didn't take a long time to consider what he should or should not do.

That was his way of mitigating his weakness.

It was because of his traits that he was able to invite Tan Mo into his research club after Professor Gu and Professor Tang.

Fortunately, Professor Yue had no idea how Tan Mo was complimenting him inside her head.

If he knew, he would've only gotten more depressed.

Just as how Tan Mo had described Professor Yue, he immediately went to the president's office after he messaged Tan Mo.

On his way to the office, he gave Mr. Zhu a call.

"Zhu? Go pack right away! You're heading to Jiaoyuan City this afternoon to meet up with the recruitment team there!" Professor Yue ordered as soon as the call got through, not even giving Mr. Zhu a chance to say hello.