Impure Thoughts

Tan Mo sniffed and wailed, "If I could move my right arm, I wouldn't be in such a desperate state... I could've just healed my left shoulder with my right hand's healing power."

However, since she couldn't move her right arm, she couldn't reach her left shoulder to heal it.

As for her left arm, she could move it. The problem was that it felt like she had dislocated her right arm. Thus, her healing power would not be able to do much to it since her power couldn't heal bone-related injuries.

Wei Zhiqian understood what Tan Mo meant and said, "Let me try and move your bones back in place. It'll be a little painful."

From the moment she was born, Tan Mo had never had to endure pain.

When she heard what Wei Zhiqian had said, her face turned pale immediately.

"R-really?" Tan Mo whimpered.

Seeing how terrified she was, to the point she didn't know what she should do, Wei Zhiqian couldn't help but laugh a little.