Catching the Culprits

Wei Zhiqian was not so sure that everyone standing next to Tan Mo was genuinely there to support her.

What if someone saw that he had come and was curious to get the dirt on them, thus, in the spur of the moment, they saw an opportunity and pretended to be loyal to her?

Wei Zhiqian was observing to see if anyone seemed guilty.

That way he could screen out a portion of the people.

It was a pity that Qin Mufeng was not there.

He had a great eye for catching little tics on people's expressions.

Wei Zhiqian was no expert in this respect, so he was not as sharp.

However, while Wei Zhiqian had been monitoring them, he was also listening in on their conversations.

Many people in the crowd were murmuring between each other. Ordinary people would not have heard the chatter clearly, but Wei Zhiqian heard everything.