You Seem to Have a Wrong Idea About Tan Mo's Personality

In the dark, Lin Fuxi set her eyes on Tan Mo's desk that was under her bed, which was near the door.

Although Tan Mo's eyesight was not as good as Qin Mufeng's, it was still better than that of a common person.

Even in the darkness, Tan Mo could see Lin Fuxi's slightest movements and the direction of the latter's gaze.


The next day, someone could be heard knocking on their room door while Tan Mo was packing her stuff to prepare for her lessons.

Instinctively, the remaining three turned their eyes to the door.

Tan Mo opened the door since she was the closest to it.

After opening it, Qin Muye could be seen standing outside.

"Muye! When did you come back?" Tan Mo hugged Qin Muye in surprise and elation.

After that, the latter was pulled into the room.