Can't I Look at My Girlfriend?

The longer he stared at her, the happier he felt. Wei Zhiqian couldn't peel his eyes away from her.

His heart was entirely immersed in unspeakable joy.

His heart seemed to have turned into a balloon. As the joy swelled endlessly, it made his heart bulge as if it could burst right out of his chest.

He could not get enough of the little lady, no matter how long he stared.

Moreover, he could finally and openly look at Tan Mo with the eyes of a man.

He did not need to hide like before, secretly disguising his gaze.

Now, he could look at her however he wanted.

The little lady was officially his girlfriend.

He had no reason to cover up.

He could see Tan Mo's cheeks blushing more and more feverishly under his gaze.

Wei Zhiqian released Tan Mo's wrist from his grasp and gently held the side of her face with his palm.

Then, his thumb gently rubbed against Tan Mo's rosy cheeks.