Wei Keli Again

"I had always liked Uncle," Tan Mo said softly.

Qin Muye jumped in shock, but still did not forget to lower her voice and ask, "Since when was that?"

"Actually...it wasn't for very long. I was still young before and did not think about such things," Tan Mo said. "It was on the day of my 18th birthday. After midnight, Uncle set off a fireworks display for me. At that time, uncle was standing below my dormitory, and he hid and did not come out.

"The moment I saw uncle walk out from the shadows, my heart rate suddenly quickened, as if I had fallen sick." When she talked about it, Tan Mo could not help but recall the scene.

That scene was engraved on her heart.

It had always been so vivid, as if it had just happened the day before.

Tan Mo could not help but cover her chest with her hands.

Her heart rate had quickened.