Qin Murong Was Doomed for Crossing Tan Mo

"Since the Hu family forged their own power at the border, they must have lived through dangerous days with blood-trickled knives. Perhaps even now, they might still be living precariously," Tan Mo said to Qin Muye. "How could those who once experienced such a life or are currently living through that easily believe excuses given by the Qin family, especially when it's such a lousy one? If it were us, we wouldn't believe it either, let alone the Hus."

"They might be new in town, but they could still get to the bottom of it if they wanted to," Tan Mo said.

"It's either he's holding back and waiting until he returns to Nacheng to take care of Qin Murong, or he has no feelings for Qin Murong at all, so he doesn't care what she does," Tan Mo whispered.

"Do you think he already found out?" Qin Muye asked curiously.