Give a Prize Again

"The school booked a room for all of you in the hotel next door so that you are in good condition to participate in the contest. After we have lunch, go back to the hotel to have a good rest. There is no need to shuttle between the school and here," Professor Yao said.

"My examination is at 6:30 p.m. Is this the arrangement for me too?" Chi Xuanzi asked.

"As long as you have an examination today, it is the same for you." Professor Yao nodded. "If you don't have any examinations left today, have lunch together first. After that, the school will transport those students back to school."

"Let's go. It is almost 12:30. Everyone should be hungry," Professor Yao said and left with Tan Mo and the others.

As Hua University was where the contest was held, the school did not provide accommodations and meals for them.

However, when they went to Beijing University before, their school was never that meticulous.