The Department of Mathematics Is Empty!

Tan Mo had already highlighted her post. Although she used her nickname, by comparing the id of the person who posted it, one could know that this post was also from her.

But in order to attract people's attention, Tan Mo still marked it on the title.

Once Tan Mo's post came out, the number of clicks soared.

Everyone quickly clicked to see it.

The situation of calling friends appeared in the various chat groups.

"Quickly go to the forum, Tan Mo posted a post!"

"Tan Mo posted a new post, she's going to Hua University tomorrow!"

Many people who did not hang out on the forum also logged in to check the post one after another.

Everyone clicked on the post to see, and saw Tan Mo write in the post:

[ Tomorrow at 11 am, outside the 30th stair classroom of Hua University's Mathematics Building, I'm going to block Ji Jiayi. Students who want to go, let's meet outside the 30th stair classroom! ]

Tan Mo had just posted this post.