Our In-laws

"Yeah, I heard that Wei Zhiqian gets along well with the Tan family." Someone nodded in agreement. "You see, they do have a good relationship with each other."

Someone pondered for a moment and then mustered up his courage to greet Wei Zhiqian. He was thinking that he could greet Tan Wenzi first, and then he would be introduced to Wei Zhiqian.

However, no sooner had he walked over to them, he suddenly heard someone gasp. He looked over and saw Wei Mingwen and his wife walking together with an old couple. At that moment, Xiao Menghan was holding the old lady's arm.

The four people were chatting and laughing.

"Aren't they Mr. Wei and his wife?" Someone said in surprise, "Then, how about the old couple?"

Since Xiao Menghan was taking care of them so respectfully and carefully, they must be someone very important.