Watch Your Words

They were all speechless. "This guy doesn't have schizophrenia, does he?" they wondered.

Even Tan Mo was perplexed. "Why does he appear to be calm and aloof, while at the same time he is making a fuss in the group chat? How could it be possible?"

Han Zhuoling said, "We're all here. Cut to the chase!" After all, he had to go back to the meeting.

Wei Zhiqian said, "Type '1' if you are here."

Yan Beicheng was speechless.

Qi Chenglin said, "Come on, man, are you done yet?"

Yan Huaian said, "Cut it out, man. Just say it."

Qin Mufeng did not speak in the group chat. He only took a casual look at Wei Zhiqian and said, "If you don't tell them, I'll do it for you."

Wei Zhiqian said in the group chat, "I'm no longer single! I have a girlfriend!"

Everyone in the group was dumbfounded. Wei Zhiqian's words were like a bomb exploding in their heads. Then, it occurred to them that Wei Zhiqian had just invited Tan Mo to the group chat.