Remember What We Didn't Finish?

It didn't take long for the dressing table to be filled up by Tan Mo's skincare products.

There wasn't enough space on the table to store all her things, so Tan Mo brought the acrylic storage boxes from their house next to Beijing University and placed them on the dressing table. She finally managed to pack her cosmetics into the storage boxes that were stacked on top of each other spectacularly.

Even without purchasing anything new, Tan Mo's presence has already infiltrated every room and corner of the house after she was done. Especially in the study room.

Tan Mo had noticed that the study room was still rather empty, so she decided to start with it first. There wasn't much to be modified and only needed additional furniture.

The things that Tan Mo had bought previously had already been placed in the room.

Apart from the desk that was already placed according to Tan Mo's instructions, Wei Zhiqian left the rest of the things for the time being.