
"If you apply early tomorrow morning, our manager certainly can't delay your work, right?" the employee said, "it will definitely be done for you right away."

Seeing that he had no other choice, Manager Wu hung up the phone. He felt that he couldn't even handle such a small matter. He didn't have the pride to reply to Guo Qingchen now.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that they assumed his position in Kefeng was not secure. Thus, they rejected him so bluntly.

Otherwise, why would they not agree to his request?

Manager Wu thought so and called Manager Niu from the technology department.

"Manager Wu," Manager Niu greeted politely.

"Manager Niu," Manager Wu said with a smile, "I'm sorry for calling you at this time and disturbing your rest."

'If he knows it's not a good time to call, then why call me?' Manager Niu thought to himself.