Where's the Sugar Daddy?

Now they knew. It was because of Tan Jinyi.

"If we go backstage, will it affect the filming? If it does, we won't go." Tan Wenci said again.

"It won't. Don't worry." Shi Shulei explained, "It's not time to film yet. Moreover, even if we do get in the shot, we can still edit it out."

"Please don't. We'll leave when the filming starts. If we're in the shot, it'll be bad if you have to sacrifice all the scenes to edit us away." Tan Wenci was very thorough in his thoughts.

Shi Shulei: "..."

Tan Wenci really had a lot on his mind.

At this moment, Shi Shulei received a phone call from the stage which needed him to go check it out.

Seeing this, Tan Wenci said, "Go and do your work. Don't let us delay your work."

Shi Shulei did not stand on ceremony with him. Work was more important.

Shi Shulei wanted to leave with Zhang Zhisheng, so he said to the staff member who had been following them silently: "Bring Mr. Tan's family backstage."