
Of course, the biggest reason was that Professor Gu and Professor Tang refused to let her go.

They kept a close watch on Tan Mo. They were also on guard against people who wanted to snatch Tan Mo away and share the time with them.

Professor Yue had finally gotten them to agree. He only asked Tan Mo to help and did not officially join the research.

If someone else wanted to do it again, it would definitely not work.

He definitely could not let Tan Mo split her time again.

Therefore, Tan Mo only occasionally went to Professor Yue's laboratory.

In addition, Tan Mo now had the role of a professor, so Professor Yue knew Tan Mo was very busy.

He had seen a genius being busy, but he had never seen anyone like Tan Mo, doing so many different things at the same time.

She made use of every second of the day.

Tan Mo clearly wasted no time in school.

She was busy doing work.

She did not have any time to relax.