How Lively

As soon as she'd finished speaking, the middle-aged man sitting next to her glanced at her, but he didn't say anything. He looked sideways at Old Master Fu and observed his facial expressions.

The woman who had spoken was the eldest daughter-in-law of Old Master Fu, as well as the mother of Fu Xiao. Known as Zhuang Lan, she was a daughter of the prominent Zhuang family. When she'd married into the Fu family, it had been the heyday of the Zhuang family. Now, although she still had some status in Luo City, it was much lower than it had been before. In addition, because of an incident with her older brother, Old Master Fu hadn't been very friendly toward the Zhuang family lately, and the two families had become estranged.

Sitting next to her was her husband, the Fu family's eldest son, Fu Miancheng. Although he was 45 years old, his good looks were still evident. He had been a handsome, charming figure in his youth.

"You also know that it was your precious son who made the mistake first, and now you blame the Nan family for being petty, huh? Your son is a treasure, but not their daughter?" Old Master Fu was quite dissatisfied with his daughter-in-law. She was petty and harsh, but no matter what she did, Zhuang Lan had been married into the Fu family for more than 20 years. As her father-in-law, he could only say a few words that scolded her.

"Dad, that's wrong. No matter how much the Nan family cherishes their daughter, she's just a daughter. My son is a son. How can they be compared? Xiao'er was also very aggrieved in this matter. He had first of all been aggrieved by this marriage agreement. No matter how good the Nan family's daughter was, if Xiao'er doesn't like her, we don't want to ruin his lifelong happiness, do we? The Nan family was petty about it, and I'm afraid it's because they don't want to miss out on a chance to establish marital ties with our Fu family. That's why they used such a method." Zhuang Lan felt uneasy after hearing what Old Master Fu had said. She had always doted on Fu Xiao and couldn't bear to let him suffer the slightest grievance.

Fu Xiao had been spoiled by Zhuang Lan ever since he was a child, which was why he was so arrogant and dishonest. When he heard his mother defending him like this, Fu Xiao felt even more strongly that he had done nothing wrong, and that he had been in the right all along.

"Okay, shut up now." Fu Miancheng looked at the unpleasant expression on Old Master Fu's face and immediately interrupted Zhuang Lan. He glared at her coldly. "You actually have the nerve to say that? Don't you have any idea what your son is like?"


"Fu Miancheng, what do you mean by that? What's wrong with my son? My son is now a senior medical student and an intern in the best hospital in Luo City." Zhuang Lan became even more unhappy when she heard what Fu Miancheng had said. As a junior, she couldn't say anything back to Old Master Fu, but, as for Fu Miancheng, she wasn't afraid of him. She had always been strong-willed, so she immediately started quarreling with him in front of Old Master Fu.

"Mom, stop talking. Just forget about it." Fu Xiao knew that in this family his mother was the one who doted on him the most. Although Old Master Fu also doted on him, he didn't let him have his way in everything. As for his father, he was basically a stranger in his life.

Fu Miancheng and Zhuang Lan's marriage could be said to be a family marriage. They had no mutual feelings at all. It was an everyday occurrence for the two of them to quarrel. They had been living separately forever, and this had started after only a few years of marriage. If it weren't for their families on both sides, the two of them would have divorced long ago. Therefore, Fu Miancheng had always been absent during Fu Xiao's childhood.

Old Master Fu sighed. He really didn't want to watch this distressing scene.

"How lively."

While the two of them were arguing, a clear, cold voice came from the doorway. A pair of cold eyes swept across all the people sitting in the living room. There was nothing but indifference evident on his handsome face.