
Zhuang Lan had always known that Fu Jingheng wasn't to be trifled with, so she had always hated him. That rascal wasn't so easy to deal with. He was very vigilant and was very vicious. If he were to go against her, she would not be a  match for him at all. For all these reasons, she was afraid of him and she hated him.

"I have my own plans regarding my marriage, Dad, so you don't have to worry about it." Fu Jingheng retracted his gaze, put down his chopsticks, and looked at Old Master Fu seriously.

Old Master Fu had always known that his youngest son was the most thoughtful and opinionated of his children. Ever since he had been young, he had never worried about him, nor had he taken care of him much. Regarding this son, in his heart, he still felt like he owed him a great deal, so he didn't say much more about his marriage.

"You have always had a sense of propriety, so I won't fuss about your marriage anymore, but you have to take care of it yourself. You will be 30 in two years. Don't take work from your company home. It's not appropriate." Old Master Fu nodded and gave him a few simple words of advice.

Fu Jingheng naturally knew what Old Master Fu was insinuating. He was basically referring to the scandal that had taken place between him and the celebrity Shi Muyue some time ago. He didn't answer him back, but just replied indifferently, "Yeah."

After the meal was over, Fu Jingheng returned to the living room, picked up his jacket, and got ready to leave. "Dad, brother, I'll be leaving now."

"Okay, be careful when driving and pay more attention to your health even when you're busy with work." Old Master Fu took a sip of his tea as he looked at him.

Fu Jingheng nodded, and then he and Fu Miancheng looked at each other. He then left the Fu family's castle.

Fu Miancheng and his wife chatted with the Old Master for a while. Then the Old Master said that he was a little tired and it was cold, so they all went home.

After returning to his villa, Fu Miancheng took off his coat to give to the servant, when he heard Zhuang Lan's voice coming from behind him, "Fu Miancheng, what does your dad mean by what he said at the dinner table today? Does he not plan to care about your brother's marriage?"

Fu Miancheng looked at Zhuang Lan. "You can't even manage your son's marriage, yet you're still in the mood to worry about others?"

"Isn't my son your son? I looked down on that marriage with the Nan family. That Nan Yan isn't worthy of my son," Zhuang Lan spoke irritably and raised her head arrogantly.

"It's okay for you to say this in front of me, but you said it in front of my dad today. Do you think the Nan family is easy to bully? They've been on Luo City's Fortune List for five consecutive years. You might look down on them, but they look down on you as well. Look at your Zhuang family, so who's the one doing the social climbing? Zhuang Lan, after all these years, I think you've become more and more brazen in the Fu family, and you're getting more and more mindless." 

When he'd been in the Fu family's castle, Fu Miancheng had been enduring her stupidity. Now, after he'd returned home, he didn't have to endure it anymore. He directly reprimanded her and fired back.

"If I don't have a brain, do you have a brain? You're in your 40s, yet you're bullied by a younger brother in his 20s. Fu Miancheng, I feel ashamed for you." 

Zhuang Lan was domineering and had always been assertive. She never thought of yielding. "Do you think I don't know you're keeping a mistress outside? I just didn't want to expose you."

Fu Xiao, who'd come out of the dining room after drinking some water, watched the two of them starting once again to argue endlessly. He sighed deeply and walked straight upstairs.

He had seen this scene countless times since he was a child, and he had long ago become used to it, so he felt indifferent.