You're In The Right Place, It's Here

Fuyou Entertainment City was an industry under the Ji Corporation. There were many entertainment facilities in it. The people who came here were prominent figures. Ji Ye chose here for gatherings with friends, or some work and business social events.

Because this was the only place where he was sure that there would be no reporters or paparazzi stalking and taking pictures, and there would be no harassment such as fan stalking. Although Fuyou Entertainment City was an entertainment venue, the management was quite strict. If one didn't make a reservation in advance, it would be hard to get in.

Nan Yan was also here for the first time, so she wasn't very familiar with it. Nan Yan had more or less heard of the rules of Fuyou City, so after the car was parked, she didn't use her identity to pressure the security guard, and called Su Tanqing directly, but the phone call wasn't picked up.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Nan?" When she was about to make the second call, a respectful voice came from behind her.

Nan Yan turned around and looked. It was a security guard from Fuyou City. The security guard looked her up and down, then said again,  "Miss Su has already sent someone to instruct us. You can go straight up to Area B's KTV, VIP District, Room 106."

"Okay, thank you." Nan Yan smiled slightly, put her phone away, and walked in.

After Nan Yan entered, she couldn't help but be in awe at the luxurious style of Fuyou City. As she walked to the VIP area, she thought about how the flow of people was more than she had imagined. Although this area was KTV, the soundproofing effect of the room was especially good, and it seemed much quieter.

When she arrived at Room 106, she saw that the door was an opal wooden door. She couldn't see the inside from the outside. After hesitating, she knocked on the door with my fingers. After a few seconds, the door was slowly opened to show a familiar and handsome shadow under the slightly dim light.

Nan Yan was taken aback, and the hand that knocked on the door slowly lowered. "Uh... Little Uncle, what a... coincidence. I'm sorry, I might have gone to the wrong place."

She was surprised. How come she kept meeting this 'big iceberg' everywhere?

"You're in the right place. It's here." When she was about to turn around and drive away, Fu Jingheng's indifferent voice forcibly called her back.

Hearing this, Nan Yan turned around and looked at him again with a bit of puzzlement in her eyes, but Fu Jingheng turned his body sideways. Su Tanqing was sitting around the table with a few boys... while playing cards.

There were two girls she didn't know sitting on the sofa. One was pretty and cute. The other had short hair and looked very feisty.

On the other side of the table were a variety of food and drinks, empty wine bottles, and a cake that was half-eaten.

"Hey, Yan Yan, you're here. Come in quickly, come in." Su Tanqing also noticed the situation at the door at this time. When she saw Nan Yan, she immediately dropped the card in her hand, ran to her happily, and led her in. 

Nan Yan looked at her flushed cheeks, then raised her brows, and asked in a low voice, "How much did you drink?"

"Not much, not much, don't worry." Su Tanqing looked at her with a smile and introduced her to the people in the room one by one.

"Hey! Miss Nan, I've heard from you since long ago. When I saw you today, I saw that you really deserve your reputation. You're even more beautiful than reported in the news." It was the birthday boy, Ji Ye. He finished talking with a smile, then his piercing eyes sized Nan Yan up, and instinctively looked at Fu Jingheng, who was standing not far behind Nan Yan.