Let Them Be Convinced Of Their Loss

"That's right, people who voluntarily give up aren't qualified to speak, so shut your mouth." Su Tanqing continued Lin Yang's words and shot daggers, then looked at Nan Yan. "Yan Yan..."

"Don't look at me, it won't work." Nan Yan knew Su Tanqing's personality too well, so she didn't change her facial expression and nipped it in the bud.

Su Tanqing gave Nan Yan a side-eye in mock anger. What a traitor. As expected, love would indeed disappear.

"Do you still have to follow?" Fu Jingheng took a sip from the wine glass beside the table. His cold eyes swept over Su Tanqing and Lin Yang, and his low voice had a bit of teasing and playfulness.

Fu Jingheng's arrogant and assured demeanour made Lin Yang's scalp feel a bit numb. They had known each other for more than ten years, so he had a good understanding of Fu Jingheng's behaviour and temperament. He always saw how he set up others and even felt pitiful for the people who were set up. Now, he has become the person being set up, and he has finally gotten to the point where he is pitying himself.

"Not following anymore." Throwing the cards in his hand, Lin Yang finally gave up. It wasn't that he had no confidence in his cards, but that he had no confidence that he could go up against Fu Jingheng, the cunning and sinister demon. He couldn't figure out what he was playing at.

If he continued to follow, he might lose everything and have to give up his sports car worth more than four million, so he might as well cut his losses now...

"What about you?" Fu Jingheng's eyes narrowed, and there was no emotional fluctuation on his face as he looked at Su Tanqing sideways.

Su Tanqing curled her lips in dissatisfaction. "I must say, boss, can't you be a little bit sympathetic? Although my bracelet isn't as valuable as their sports car or villa, it's still a limited edition. Even if you want to buy it, you can't buy it. Don't you intend..."

"I don't intend. Do you want to follow or not?" Fu Jingheng interrupted Su Tanqing mercilessly and asked indifferently.

Su Tanqing originally thought that she might win a grand slam today, but she didn't expect that Fu Jingheng's participation would crush her dream. Although a little more than 700,000 yuan was a drop in the bucket for her, she still felt heartache over the prospect of losing her bracelet.

"Then I won't follow." Su Tanqing sighed deeply. "Congratulations to my boss for winning a grand slam today."

"Speaking of which, today is Ah-Ye's birthday, but I'm the one reaping the rewards. That makes me a bit embarrassed, but since you are all so polite, then I will have no choice but to accept them." Fu Jingheng gently rubbed his fingertips as he spoke nonchalantly. He moved his lips and opened his mouth lazily.

After the other people listened, the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely, and they glared at him in unison. This statement was really... shameless.

Nan Yan took the cards and glanced at him contemptuously. As a 'teammate', although she couldn't be too obviously disdainful of him, the righteous Nan Yan still couldn't bear to complain about him in his heart.

"I'm really curious as to what excellent card of yours can make you so smug." At a loss for words, Ji Ye laughed and was also interested, so he gave him an eye gesture.

Fu Jingheng relaxed his brows happily, then glanced at Nan Yan, and said indifferently yet domineeringly, "Satisfy them, show them."

"Are you...sure?" Nan Yan's eyes darted around and asked him with her eyes, Aren't you afraid of being beaten up by them after they see the card? 

"We don't have to hide it. Let them be convinced of their loss." Fu Jingheng held his head high, and the arrogant tone of his words gave even Nan Yan the urge to spank him.