Unexpected Gain

After Nan Yan put in her number and changed the phone back, Fu Jingheng took the phone and looked at the string of numbers under 'Nan Yan'. There was a gleam of light in his cold eyes, and the corners of his lips were also slightly raised. There was an imperceptible smile on his lips, and his indifferent face obviously had hints of joy.

After the car arrived at the villa where Su Tanqing lived, Nan Yan woke her up, helped her into the room, and left after confirming that she was okay.

After she returned to the car again, the back row was obviously less crowded without Su Tanqing, and the place where Su Tanqing lived was in the opposite direction from her school. It would take some time for the car to drive back.

As the car drove gently, Fu Jingheng started closing his eyes again to rest up his mind, and Nan Yan, who had woken up early because of class every day, also started to feel sleepy. Usually at this time, if it weren't for Su Tanqing tricking her here tonight, she would already be sleeping and dreaming in her dormitory. She wouldn't be still outside at one o'clock in the morning.

Nan Yan simply felt that her eyelids were getting heavier, and in the end, she couldn't hold on anymore. She fell asleep, and as the car drove smoothly, her body gradually relaxed. When the car turned at an intersection, Nan Yan's body also tilted slowly in the direction of the turn, but in the end, her head accidentally landed on Fu Jingheng's shoulder.

Fu Jingheng felt something heavy on his shoulders. His indifferent and handsome face appeared obviously stunned. He tilted his head slightly. As soon as he opened his eyes, a head full of black hair appeared in his eyes, and the faint fragrant scent that wafted into his nose couldn't disperse for a long time.

This was an unexpected gain for Fu Jingheng. His cold and piercing eyes had rare tenderness in them, and he didn't reach out to move her. He continued to sit in that posture motionlessly, and let her lean on his shoulders as she slept.

When the car arrived at the south gate of S University Film and Television Academy, the driver in front of him turned his head and said, "Mr, we're already at the school."

Fu Jingheng opened his eyes and looked at the top of the black head. It happened that Nan Yan wasn't sleeping deeply. She vaguely heard the voice of the driver and opened her eyes in a daze.

Suddenly, she realized that she was lying on Fu Jingheng's shoulders. She suddenly raised her eyes and met Fu Jingheng's black eyes.

"Little Uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Nan Yan was also bewildered. When she got in the car, she kept a distance from Fu Jingheng, so how come she leaned on his shoulders after she fell asleep? This was really a bit embarrassing. She didn't want Fu Jingheng to have any misunderstandings.

The security guard, pretending to see nothing, looked away silently.

Fu Jingheng raised his hand to dust the shoulder she had just leaned on and looked out of the car window. "We're here."

Seeing that he didn't want to delve into this matter, Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly. "Thank you very much for today, Little Uncle. I trouble you so much every time. It's late, so I'll be going in now." After speaking, she pushed open the car door and ran all the way to the window of the security room. After she said a few words to the security guard, the security guard let her in.

Fu Jingheng watched her go in, then slowly retracted his gaze, and tapped his slender fingers on his legs lightly. "Let's go!"

Nan Yan's identity was well known in the school, so even if she came back very late, the dorm's auntie won't give her a hard time. She just said a few words to let her come back early next time because if it's too late it won't be safe outside.

Although Nan Yan had grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth ever since she was a child, and had always been a good-for-nothing, because she had a nonchalant and carefree personality, and wasn't stuck up, she could get along with anyone. However, she was too lazy to put much effort into maintaining relationships and had always abided by the saying of: people don't offend me and I don't offend others. Therefore, she maintained a peaceful way of getting along with everyone at school.