No Longer A Helpless Little Sheep

However, Li Xiaojie quickly found an explanation for Shen Qinghuan's strange behaviour.

For example, even if their high school entrance examinations covered the content they had already learned before, she was certain that Shen Qinghuan, who always performed poorly, did not know how to do it. The entrance examinations were extremely important, afterall, so it was only logical that her mood would turn strange after failing to do it well.

"Qinghuan." Li Xiaojie put on a compassionate mask as she began to comfort Shen Qinghuan insincerely. "You won't lose out even if you head to a vocational high school. After all, Brother Huai Bei is also studying in a vocational high school."

Wen Huaibei, also known as the fuck boy from her previous life.

Shen Qinghuan stared straight at Li Xiaojie. In their previous life, Li Xiaojie had similarly persuaded her in this manner; however, back then, Shen Qinghuan had been utterly foolish and had fallen for her lies.

Not too long after, Li Xiaojie then collaborated with Wen Huaibei. They two of them came up with all sorts of schemes to beg for money from her. For the sake of maintaining her relationship with them, she pressured her parents heavily, and as a result, her father then had no choice but to make use of his company's money. This eventually led them onto an irreversible path…

Right now, the current Shen Qinghuan was no longer the same helpless sheep who would allow Li Xiaojie to bully her as she pleased.

"Xiaojie." Shen Qinghuan appeared teary-eyed. She stepped forward to hold Li Xiaojie's hand and intentionally acted frustrated, "If I head to a vocational school, we won't be schoolmates anymore…"

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaojie stiffened.

Her eyes widened. Afterall, he did not expect Shen Qinghuan to be this reliant on her.

Li Xiaojie secretly mocked Shen Qinghuan internally: Even if Shen Qinghuan scored full marks for her final, English examination, there was no way she would make it to high school with her consistently poor performance. To think she actually dreamt of studying in the same school as Li Xiaojie. What wishful thinking!

Not only did Li Xiaojie have a lot of schemes, but she was also clever with words. That's why she would never openly express the thoughts she had.

"All right." Li Xiaojie insincerely returned the grip around Shen Qinghuan's hand. She then gently comforted, "Since the examinations have ended, there's nothing more we can do by dwelling on it. Why don't we change our heartache into strength? How about we head to the newly opened barbeque shop near A School for some barbeque?"

Shen Qinghuan stared at Li Xiaojie, yet her gaze was cold. After taking off her rose-tinted glasses, she finally noticed that this White Lotus Flower was completely self-centred.

"Sure." In order to prevent Li Xiaojie from noticing anything amiss, Shen Qinghuan nodded sincerely. "But before we leave, I think we should report to our leading teacher first."

In their previous life, the leading teacher had trouble locating them and ended up delaying the other students from their meal. They were resented for this even till the day they graduated.

Li Xiaojie paused slightly in surprise. She keenly sensed that Shen Qinghuan seemed to be leading her by the nose in all of today's conversations.

However, she had no clear evidence to pinpoint Shen Qinghuan's exact changes, so she could only follow Shen Qinghuan to their leading teacher to explain their request.

This was the first time the leading teacher's most inattentive student was properly requesting a leave from him. He was slightly caught off guard by her good behaviour.

He took in Shen Qinghuan's back view from afar as he exclaimed to himself internally: Indeed, only the entrance examinations can accurately reveal the truth. After experiencing the first crossroad of one's lifetime, even students who were poor at studying would come to realise the importance of starting afresh.

As an old man, he was both comforted and sad.

The afternoon sunshine was perfect today.

The barbeque shop Li Xiaojie recommended had grown popular recently due to much online attention. Thus, it was especially crowded.

By the time they arrived, the restaurant was calling for queue numbers from seventy onwards.

Thankfully, the hallway outside was properly air-conditioned, and everyone stood in orderly queues as they tapped on their phones to distract themselves.

"Ah." Li Xiiaojie abruptly grabbed Shen Qinghuan by the elbow. "Qinghuan, look. Isn't that Lu Ziheng?"

Girls in their teens would always be attracted by boys' appearances, and Lu Ziheng was extremely handsome. He not only excelled in his studies, but he also played basketball well. In many aspects, he was considered the perfect boy. Thus, he naturally became popular in A School.

"I didn't expect him to be here for barbeque!" Li Xiaojie was originally resentful of the long queue, as it would take ages for them to get in. However, now that she noticed Lu Ziheng, her mood instantly lifted.

"Lu Ziheng is also a normal person. It's very normal for him to come to eat barbeque!"

Shen Qinghuan responded casually, but her words left Li Xiaojie, whose eyes were sparkling, choking.