Thank You Gift

Lu Ziheng was still waiting for Shen Qinghuan's response. The girl immediately shook her head to deny his thoughts.

"Then hold on tight."

Lu Ziheng's brows were straight and his eyes seemed to be sparkling with a concealed smile.


Meanwhile, Shen Qinghuan's delicate little face was burning up!

Lu Ziheng was extremely attractive, after all. However, since his family background was poor, much of his clothes had turned a lighter color from being washed too frequently.

Still, his figure was rather good, and even cheap fabric appeared fashionable on him.

Shen Qinghuan recalled the plot from their last life. The so-called fate they shared began when Li Xiaojie pursued Lu Ziheng madly, yet Lu Ziheng had rejected her every single time.

As for Lu Ziheng and Shen Qinghuan, even though the two of them were not lovers, they appeared just like lovers.

Hence, since Lu Xiaojie was the arrogant type, she naturally could not tolerate the close relationship between Shen Qinghuan and Lu Ziheng. Thus, while Lu Ziheng was busy caring for his seriously-ill father in the hospital, she began to spread rumours that Shen Qinghuan was a pair of used shoes .

Li Xiaojie's grades were much better than Shen Qinghuan's, while she also had an obedient front. Thus, people were very willing to believe in her.

Afterwards, due to the rumours, Shen Qinghuan was expelled from her school. Father Shen was also arrested for embezzlement of company funds. Consequently, the Shen corporation became bankrupt and her mother became depressed. Finally…

At the thought of this, Shen Qinghuan subconsciously buried her nails in her palm; however, she failed to remember that Lu Ziheng was holding her hand.

Lu Ziheng felt the slight pain from his palm. He could not help but look over at Shen Qinghuan several times.

Perhaps, this little girl was not as she appeared on the surface. He felt that she had some stories untold.

Even so, those stories belonged solely to Shen Qinghuan alone.

Lu Ziheng was already acting a little out of the ordinary, so he slowly kept away his curiosity.

"Thank you."

The girl spoke in her soft voice.

Lu Ziheng responded with an 'en' without revealing any emotions. He only knew that he needed to look for more topics to continue this conversation with Shen Qinghuan.

"Will you continue high school in A School?"

After asking this question, Lu Ziheng subconsciously realised how foolish he was being.

In the past, he had heard some rumours about Shen Qinghuan.

This was the Shen Qinghuan that gave every teacher a headache. How could she possibly continue high school in the best school in the entire city!

"Do you wish for me to do so?"

Shen Qinghuan tugged her little hand out of Lu Ziheng's grip as she returned the question to him. She then quietly waited for his response.

"I, I…"

Lu Ziheng's handsome complexion turned slightly red from her question. His heart began pounding frantically and after struggling for a long time, he only said, "I just feel that, you'll have an easier time entering university if you study in A School."

"En. Then I'll go."

I'll not only be there. I'll even head to the same class as you.

Shen Qinghuan secretly added in her heart.

She could imagine Li Xiaojie's expression when they finally met in A School. It would surely be a very entertaining sight.

Lu Ziheng heard Shen Qinghuan's response and was clearly surprised. However, he quickly understood her meaning.

He had failed to consider that Shen Qinghuan's father was the largest stakeholder in A School. Otherwise, with her poor grades, she would never even have made it here in the first place. In fact, with her usual antics, it was the only reason she had yet to be expelled.

Shen Qinghuan had been able to obtain her graduation certificate and participate in the high school entrance examination with no problems. It could be seen that the world that bowed down to money and influence was beyond the imagination of poor people like them.

Lu Ziheng was frustrated at himself for worrying over nothing.

As they approached their seats, his disorganised thoughts caused him to rush ahead of Shen Qinghuan. He did not appear too gentlemanly.

Li Xiaojie and Qin Muzhi had yet to finish cleaning up. At this time, Shen Qinghuan sat down on her earlier seat as she handed Lu Ziheng the extra cold bottle of coke.

"This is-"

"A thank you gift." Shen Qinghuan responded sincerely. "Thank you for bringing me back to my seat."

"We're schoolmates. It's what I should be doing."

Lu Ziheng opened the bottle and lifted his chin to drink with loud gulps.