Parent's Protection

Shen Haotian was naturally aware of how poor his own daughter's grades were. However, this didn't mean he would accept others speaking poorly about Huan Huan's grades.

"Today is a day to relax and have fun." Father Shen brought over a pot of porridge with a smile. He first issued Li Xiaojie a warning warmly, "Xiaojie, don't always talk about studies with Huan Huan."

Li Xiaojie was slightly gloomy about being stopped by Shen Haotian, responding: "But Uncle, Qinghuan and I are both still students. Isn't it normal for us to focus on our studies?"

As they chatted, Li Xiaojie did not pause as she reached for one of the freshly cooked eggs.

Shen Haotian had worked in the business world for years, so he easily recognised that Li Xiaojie's thoughts were not entirely proper.

Since much earlier, he had wanted to tell Huan Huan to stay away from such a friend. However, Huan Huan was stubborn and seemed to have her heart set on Li Xiaojie.

In the end, Father Shen was also helpless. That's why he felt that as long as Li Xiaojie did not step out of line, then he would turn a blind eye to this and let it pass.

"Aside from your studies, don't the two of you have your own lives?" Shen Haotian filled a bowl with porridge for Shen Qinghuan. "You can also talk about the recent news or about the people you like."

As the topic shifted, Shen Qinghuan mostly understood her father's intentions.

Shen Qinghuan's lashes trembled slightly as she bit her bottom lip and intentionally appeared troubled. "Dad, it might be because I'm not good enough, but I always struggle to keep up with Xiaojie's conversations."

When Li Xiaojie heard this, her hands froze mid-action while peeling her egg. The smile on her face also immediately disappeared.

Father Shen's gaze left Li Xiaojie feeling slightly cold.

Nevertheless, Li Xiaojie was used to performing, and she immediately smiled to conceal her thoughts. "Qinghuan, don't be insecure! In fact, you're…

Much more outstanding than you can imagine."

The way Li Xiaojie spoke closely resembled those model students who would visit to brainwash other students.

"Oh? Do you mean that?" Shen Qinghuan suddenly reached for a few wet napkins. She continued with grievance, "Yesterday, didn't you say that I won't be able to make it for A School? You even said there wouldn't be much difference if I head directly to a vocational school."

Shen Haotian's expression immediately changed upon hearing this. He shot Li Xiaojie a frigid, cold look. "Xiaojie, how could you say such a thing to Huan Huan?"

He knew it.

Last night, why could his Huan Huan suddenly bear to part with her bright green hair? She had dyed it black and straightened it for no good reason. She even said she would study properly and make him proud.

It turns out that she had been affected by Li Xiaojie.

Shen Qinghuan suddenly brought out the old debts with Li Xiaojie, leaving Li Xiaojie unable to refute.

In her memories, Shen Haotian rarely spoke sternly to anyone. Each time Li Xiaojie visited Shen Qinghuan to play, Father Shen always had a warm smile.

Now that Father Shen was suddenly raising his voice to speak, Li Xiaojie was frightened to the point where she almost dropped her chopsticks.

In front of a grown man, all of her little schemes appeared especially foolish.

Still, being young was an advantage. Li Xiaojie changed her tone to a miserable one and employed the perfect scheme that had worked countless times. She planned to act foolish and sweet to perfectly avoid all of the consequences.

"Uncle, I, I only did that because Huan…"

"Dad, stop making things difficult for Xiaojie." Before Li Xiaojie could expose Shen Qinghuan's situation with Wen Huaibei, Shen Qinghuan replicated Li Xiaojie's appearance and began crying. "She's doing this for my own good. She said that with my grades, if I study in a vocational school, I won't have to waste much money on school fees. I'll even be able to help our family lighten our financial burden."

"Is our Shen family the type of family who can't even afford school fees?" Shen Haotian always maintained one principle when it came to solving problems. It was that he absolutely would not allow his family's little princess to suffer any grievances. "Xiaojie, if you really treat Huan Huan like a friend, you shouldn't be chattering away about this nonsense to her!"